
August is Gratitude Month


This year your General Service Conference has decided that Gratitude Month contributions will go towards enhancing AA’s Digital Future.


Conference believes it is important to reach the alcoholic of today and tomorrow through our digital presence.

We would like to give our website a boost to enhance users’ digital experience.

We also want to boost our social media presence and raise awareness of AA through the likes of YouTube, TikTok, and WhatsApp.

We will need to engage expert professional help so the money raised through Gratitude Month this year will enable us to get the professional help we need.

We encourage you to contribute generously to help us reach the alcoholic who is suffering or yet to pick up their first drink.


How to contribute


  • Organise a special collection within your group during the month of August
  • Click here to donate directly online through the A.A. website
  • Via internet banking:

Account Name: New Zealand General Service Office

Account Number: 06-0501-0236572-07

Reference: Gratitude

Particulars: Group Name



Ngā mihi nui

General Service Board Alcoholics Anonymous New Zealand



Gratitude month

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