
Online Meetings

Current Online Meetings

All meetings are now listed in the meetings finder on our meetings page. Filter by Any Type to show “online meetings” and then by Day and Time to create a relevant list. Once a meeting is then chosen, the Zoom link button is available in the meeting details with a password just above. International meetings are below on this page.


Stop Zoombombing/unwanted guests

Some of our meetings have had unwanted guests sharing unwanted and objectionable material at online meetings. The solution is not to cancel your meetings or even to set passwords, it is to change your Zoom internal settings to stop people taking control of your meeting. Here is a short video showing the settings and what to change. Also, you can read the detailed guides below and in the shop for more details if needed.


Anonymity in open zoom meetings 

We do not see a Zoom meeting as being any different to an open meeting or a public meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. If we are at an open meeting we are quite visible to any member of the public that decides to come along. If members are aware that it is an open meeting then they have a choice whether to attend. Here is a link to our suggestions for you to discuss with your groups regarding anonymity.

Things are changing quickly. All meetings will be in recess from 25th March. We are asking that groups let GSO know if their meeting is available online. If your group is starting a Zoom (or similar) meeting can you send the details to [email protected]. The details we need are:
1. a first name
2. a mobile number
3. the Zoom link if you have set up a consistent weekly virtual meeting

Suggestions are that you provide us the web link, not just the Zoom meeting ID number. We realise that not everyone is technically savvy on these things but we are learning fast and we trust that someone in your conscience group will be able to help get your group up and running using an online format.

If you are struggling and can’t find a meeting please call 0800 229 6757 or email us on [email protected]

There are a number of international meetings people can attend as well as local Zoom meetings and the question of anonymity with zoom meetings is being asked.


How to create a Zoom meeting

The following attached guide is a how-to for creating or attending a Zoom meeting. There are also lots of guides online at places like YouTube. It’s worth bearing in mind, that it’s not necessary for every group to create an online meeting as there is nothing stopping you joining another group meeting either in NZ or overseas.

Zoom guide (word document) or

Zoom guide (PDF)


Because international zoom meeting details are always changing, and frequently we don’t have up-to-date information from the administrators, we encourage people looking for these meeting to go directly to the international websites and via other sources. Here are some common links to countries and their online meetings:

NZ: Online 24hr meeting ID 292-371-2604 (no password needed)



